Home Politik This is the letter you should have written, Mr. President!
Politik - 22.02.2019

This is the letter you should have written, Mr. President!

The message of „congratulations“ from the President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier (63), on the 40th anniversary of the Islamist mullah regime in Iran (BILD reported exclusively) has resulted in worldwide irritation and criticism.

BILD has formulated a telegram that would have been more appropriate for this anniversary.

  • Telegramm an die Mullahs

    DAS hätten Sie schreiben sollen, Herr Steinmeier!

    Steinmeiers Gratulations-Telegramm an die Mullahs sorgte für Kritik. BILD hat einen Brief verfasst, der besser gepasst hätte.

From BILD, To Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

We (and our readers) do NOT congratulate you on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s national.

Instead, we hope that you will soon witness a free Iran in which people participate in democratic elections.

We hope that you will be forced to see gay couples strolling through Tehran, holding hands.

We hope that the Evin torture prison, where political detainees and international hostages are currently being held, will become a memorial site where one can learn about the atrocities committed by your rogue regime.

We hope that Salman Rushdie will give lectures on literature at your universities.

We hope that men and women will openly sit together in street cafés, celebrating the fact that you no longer have any authority, over Shiraz wine.

We hope that dog owners will be able to take their dogs out for walks – which is banned under your regime.

We hope that Iranian women will cheer on the national team in the Azadi Stadium, and that female journalists will report on the matches.

We hope that Iranian tourists will travel to Israel via a direct connection between Tehran and Tel Aviv, that they will bathe in the Mediterranean and go on pilgrimages to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. That Israeli tourists will lie in the sun by the Caspian Sea and pray in the old synagogues of Tehran and Isfahan.

We hope that the songs by Shahin Najafi criticizing religion will be played in the radio while the sun rises above Tehran. A clear view without any pollution because the environmentalist are not jailed and tortured but working against the destruction of nature that your regime had caused.

We also hope that, at the same time, you will be held accountable for your crimes before a female judge who is not wearing a veil – in a court building named after Reyhaneh Jabbari, the young woman who was hanged by your murderous judiciary because she defended herself against her rapist.

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